Sunday, August 06, 2006

Zoom it Yourself

You know on CSI when they zoom and zoom and zoom into the picture and catch the perp doing whatever he does, and then they run his picture through the database and find him using his phone and catch him while he's sleeping? Now you can do this too--at least the zooming part.

It seems a photographer took tons of super-zoomed pictures using a digital camera, used special hardware to stitch it together into a huge, huge format picture, and then put it on the web. The result lets you look at a panorama of a harbor in Sydney and click on any spot in the picture to zoom repeatedly until you can clearly see pedestrians and dinner parties enjoying their meals in seaside restaurants.

Pretty cool. Sydney By Night

filed: etcetera


Anonymous said...

This is pretty cool, no doubt. However, I do enjoy the fantasy football cat much more. It just has that quality of being cute and yet pissed off. I don't know, maybe it's just me...nice pictures either way.

Anonymous said...

That is funny, because as a graphic designer, I've been asked by numerous people (mostly my mother) to "just zoom in on this picture and focus on that little kid that looks like a spec."
I have to confess that I always watch those parts of CSI and any other show where they just zoom right in on a security camera image or the back ground of a photo from some kid's cell phone and find myself yelling at the TV "That's IMPOSSIBLE!!! Stop the Lies!"