Monday, June 19, 2006

Tom Delay's Farewell Address

Tom Delay delivered has last speech as a member of the House last week. Upbeat almost to the point of joyousness and extremely gracious to friend and foe, the speech raises some very interesting points about partisanship ("You show me a nation without partisanship, and I'll show you a tyranny.") which are almost ironic given the nature of the politically motivated attacks that lead to his retirement, yet completely in keeping with the way he played the game.

He speaks reverently of the history of our country and passionately about the sorry state our foster care system. Overall, an interesting and edifying discourse that reminds me of the good side of politics.

Republican Party of Texas: Tom Delay's Farewell Address



Anonymous said...

With that kind talk something might get done in DC. It's to bad that more people don't believe this way and act on it. It's refreshing to see a man in Washington say things that I believe in....not in an election year. I say give me more Tom Delays.

Anonymous said...

Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.