It seems that "Late Late Show" host Craig Ferguson has applied for honorary citizenship to the state of Texas. Governor Perry responded and Ferguson reads the letter, which is humorous, self-deprecating, politically incorrect, and probably destined for the same kind of across-Texas appeal as George W.'s "In Texas, we call it walking" quote. Check it out...
Thanks for sharing! It's fun to relax and enjoy a little bit of humor in regards to our honorable governor once in a while! Good for him!
-Youngest sister of the brink
Thats awsome.
It's great to be a Texan, ain't it? I think others don't understand and often think of us as prideful. At least we can laugh at ourselves! When the governor can send a letter like that to be read on a national TV show... (BTW, I've seen communications from Govn. Perry. Looked authentic to me!)
Good one. A nice letter, not as good as the Pres., but a fine effort from our Governor.
Nice. A friend had already sent this link to me and I enjoyed watching it. Thanks for sharing with the world!
God we have a dumbass for a governor. His letter makes it seem like we are all members of the NRA, have guns in our cars, pick up road kill, hang dead animals on our walls and dip tobacco.
I'm from Texas. Born, raised and lived here all my life. I don't own a gun. I don't dip. I don't eat roadkill.
Maybe instead of reinforcing these stereotypes of Texans, our governor should have sent something a bit more mature to help stop the profiling.
Although, I will admit that the part about protecting our borders from everywhere but Mexico was kinda funny.
I like the governor of my great state. He has our best interests in mind, well, most of the time. Still have to keep one eye on him, but he definitely has a good sense of humor (this made me LOL, the guys in the office wonder about me).
I thought that was was so funny about the video is that it was not what you'd expect from a politician. You would normally see vanilla, boilerplate text about "great state of Texas" and "wonderful citizens" and "hope you'll enjoy our state" and "bestow honorary citizenship"--very safe, very nice, very cultured, very much edited by lawyers to avoid offending or giving any wrong impressions or giving any ammo to political enemies.
Instead, it played to stereotypes, some of which are obviously ridiculous (nobody eats roadkill, right?), some of which are not as far off (we Texans like our guns). Plus, it is exactly like a Texan to needle the Scottish dude from California about his wussy car and to make fun of 4 or 5 lesser states at a time. Overall, it was over-the-top and larger-than-life, which is pretty true to Texas.
Also, you can tell it was edited by lawyers. If you'll notice, Perry implied that Texans have gun racks and eat roadkill but never actually said that, giving no sound-bite ammo for opponents in his next campaign. Clever.
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