This whole free speech thing is a messy business, what with all of the idiots clogging our public discourse with idiocy, but what is the alternative? You could follow in the footsteps of Turkmenistan, which has outlawed lip-synching and opera, or maybe North Korea, where long hair for men is definitely bad.
While I am not a big fan of opera or long hair, I have begun to see the advantages of lip-synching. If we are going to continue to churn out singers whose main talent is actually sexiness, we must not let them perform without the benefit of electronic assistance. The screeching hurts my ears.
However, the main point here is this: One of the most important freedoms we have is the freedom to be stupid. If you outlaw dumb behavior or idiotic opinions then you have some government committee or official deciding what is criminally stupid. Given the corruption that comes with power, "criminally stupid" quickly devolves into "disagrees with me", and we might as well be some two-bit dictatorship.
Of course there must be legal limits to stupidity. One handy line to draw is that your stupidity must not harm others. You don't have the right to falsely yell "FIRE" in a crowded building. However, sometimes even stupidity that hurts others should not be interfered with. For instance, if a parent believes and teaches their children that the earth is flat, should the children be taken away? Teaching lies to kids is harmful, but what can you do besides set up a "Truth Committee" to police parents? And what lies are harmful enough to take away children? How about "Santa Clause brings presents?" Or would the Committee allow "The government is wrong?"
I think not.
filed: politics
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