Friday, July 08, 2005

Weekend Fireworks

I like fireworks. I like weekends. I would like to present some fireworks for your weekend. is, quite of the harder things to explain that I have found on the crazy WWW of ours. It is a site that brings us the cartoon hijinks of an eclectic cast of characters, including Homestar Runner, who is not the star, and Strong Bad, a sarcastic little dude who does wear a mexican wrestling mask and boxing gloves but does not wear a shirt. Strong Bad is in charge of the sites' most popular feature, Strong Bad Email, in which he answers emails from viewers like you. Strong Bad Email has given us classic moments like the Guitar email, and later, an email called Dragon that spawned its own video game.

What would the world be like without people who walk that fine line between genius and insanity? Thanks to, we may never need to know.

P.S. This one is for those who can't stop editing things. You know who you are.

filed: humor

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