"When my friends see my bump they say they wish they could have a baby, then three weeks later they're pregnant and don't know what to do.
"Teenage girls think babies are cute, but they forget the physical side of being pregnant, then having to give up your own childhood to look after a baby.
"It seems to be fashionable to get pregnant."
Family campaigners said her comments showed how the Government's sex education policy had left teens with the "ridiculous but extremely worrying" misconception that having a child was no different to getting a new handbag.
The father of the pregnant British 14-year-old quoted above blamed the rise in underage pregnancies on "gang culture", media influence, parents, schools and the local authority, concluding that "it's a social problem". The mother blamed her daughter for the situation.
It seems to me that we should spend less time teaching children to "be true to themselves" and more time teaching kids the difference between right and wrong, healthy and unhealthy, and smart decisions and stupid ones.
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