Have you ever wondered who started the rather strange custom of throwing a bucket of Gatorade on the coach of a winning team? Seems that it was back in 1985 in the NFL, when New York Giants defensive lineman Jim Burt decided to exact revenge on coach Bill Parcells, who had been "motivating" him all week about his matchup with Redskins offensive lineman Jeff Bostic. At the end of the Giants' 17-3 win, Burt took his life in his hands and dumped the rest of the sideline cooler of Gatorade on his notoriously, uh, hard-nosed coach. But Parcells apparently accepted it good-naturedly, and the team kept it up as another superstitious tradition. TV viewers loved it, as the cameras focused on the sideline near the end of wins to catch the big moment.
And of course the Gatorade people couldn't have been any happier.
ESPN.com: How the Dunk was Born
filed: sports